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what we do

Smash Sporting Club performs under the umbrella of clubs’ DNA developed by Smash Management for this specific segment of clubs.

Clubs’ Philosophy

  • Clubs’ primary objective is to raise kids in a healthy environment.
  • Secondary objective is to complement the kids’ focus with family activities in order to make the experience of raising kids in a healthy environment pleasant and enjoyable for the whole family.
  • In our clubs, we are against any kind of discrimination. We are neutral towards religious, political and personal beliefs.
  • We are also environmently friendly and we value living in a healthy environment. From that perspective, we grant our community a pleasant and healthy atmosphere. This is why we don’t serve alcohol, smoking is forbidden in all indoor facilities and we don’t sell tobacco products.
  • We, belonging to our target segment, understand well our target segment’s values. In that context we are moderate, neither too lenient nor too conservative. In the same context, our members’ privacy is highly valued and respected in our clubs.
  • Belonging to our target segment also makes their expectations crystal clear for us. In this regard, we –in our clubs- believe in harmony in the community. We believe that harmony is the hardest, yet, most important factor that contributes to the success of our clubs on the long term. Therefore, strict interviews are considered as the key step in our decision making process of accepting new members.
  • In our clubs, people are our asset; this is on both levels: employees and members. Therefore, one important aspect in our clubs is the feeling of ownership.
  • Honesty and integrity are the cornerstones of our relationships across the board. This is the key contributor to the common feeling of ownership and trust that our employees and members have towards our clubs.
  • In our clubs, we believe that the private sector has to have a role in developing our society. In addition to the nature of our business that by default develops the wellbeing of individuals; our clubs take various initiatives to the benefit of charity and society’s wellbeing under our Social Responsibility programs. Examples of activities in our current Social Responsibility programs are:
    • Illiteracy program.
    • Orphans events.
    • Wheel chair tennis programs.

Clubs’ Core Values

  • Superiority of services provided.
  • Commitment to our promises.
  • Diversity in our services.
  • Integrity & honesty across all levels.
  • Partnership spirit & long term relations.
  • Harmony in our performance.
  • Social Responsibility to the society.
  • Success which is always granted with all of the above.

Clubs’ Promise

Is to offer every family a pleasant and joyful atmosphere in a healthy environment for their kids.

Clubs’ Personality

– Premium
– Healthy
– Warm/Cozy
– Private
– Dynamic
– Balanced:
– Seriousness & Joy
– Kids & Family
– Sports & Social.